Congress in Context
Read our specially created historical profiles to discover more about the setting, personnel and events which may have influenced the legislation created during a particular Congressional period.
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118th Congress
January 3, 2023-January 3, 2025
First Administration of Joseph R. Biden Jr.
117th Congress
January 3, 2021-January 3, 2023
First Administration of Joseph R. Biden Jr.
Joseph R. Biden Jr.
Joseph R. Biden Jr.
116th Congress
Jan. 3, 2019-Jan. 3, 2021
First Administration of Donald J. Trump
115th Congress
Jan. 3, 2017-Jan. 3, 2019
First Administration of Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump
114th Congress
Jan. 3, 2015-Jan. 3, 2017
Second Administration of Barack H. Obama
113th Congress
Jan. 3, 2013-Jan. 3, 2015
Second Administration of Barack H. Obama
112th Congress
Jan. 5, 2011-Jan. 3, 2013
First Administration of Barack H. Obama
111th Congress
Jan. 6, 2009-Dec. 29, 2010
First Administration of Barack H. Obama
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
110th Congress
Jan. 4, 2007-Jan. 3, 2009
Second Administration of George W. Bush
109th Congress
Jan. 4, 2005-Dec. 8, 2006
Second Administration of George W. Bush
108th Congress
Jan. 7, 2003-Dec. 8, 2004
First Administration of George W. Bush
107th Congress
Jan. 7, 2001-Nov. 22, 2002
First Administration of George W. Bush
George W. Bush
George W. Bush
106th Congress
Jan. 6, 1999-Dec. 15, 2000
Second Administration of William J. Clinton
105th Congress
Jan. 7, 1997-Dec. 19, 1998
Second Administration of William J. Clinton
104th Congress
Jan.4, 1995-Oct. 4 1996
First Administration of William J. Clinton
103rd Congress
Jan.4, 1993-Dec. 1, 1994
First Administration of William J. Clinton
William J Clinton
William J Clinton
102nd Congress
Jan.3, 1991-Oct. 9, 1992
Administration of George H. W. Bush
101st Congress
Jan.4, 1993-Dec. 1, 1994
Administration of George H. W. Bush
George Bush Sr.
George Bush Sr.
100th Congress
Jan.6, 1987-Oct. 22, 1988
Second Administration of Ronald W. Reagan
99th Congress
January 3, 1985 – January 3, 1987
Second Administration of Ronald W. Reagan
98th Congress
January 3, 1983 – January 3, 1985
First Administration of Ronald W. Reagan
97th Congress
Jan. 3, 1981-Jan. 3, 1983
First Administration of Ronald W. Reagan
Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan
96th Congress
Jan. 15, 1979-Dec. 16, 1980
Administration of Jimmy Carter
95th Congress
Jan. 4, 1977-Oct. 15, 1978
Administration of Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter
94th Congress
Jan. 14, 1975-Oct. 1, 1976
First Administration of Gerald R. Ford
93rd Congress
Jan. 3, 1973-Dec. 20, 1974
Administration of Richard M. Nixon/Administration of Gerald R. Ford
Gerald R. Ford
Gerald R. Ford
92nd Congress
Jan. 21, 1971-Oct. 18, 1972
First Administration of Richard M. Nixon
91st Congress
Jan. 3, 1969-Jan. 2, 1971
First Administration of Richard M. Nixon
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon
90th Congress
Jan. 10, 1967-Oct. 14, 1968
Second Administration of Lyndon B. Johnson
89th Congress
Jan. 4, 1965-Oct. 22, 1966
Second Administration of Lyndon B. Johnson
Lyndon B. Johnson
Lyndon B. Johnson
88th Congress
Jan. 9, 1963-Oct. 3, 1964
Second Administration of John F. Kennedy/First Administration of Lyndon B. Johnson
87th Congress
Jan. 3, 1961-Oct. 13, 1962
First Administration of John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy
86th Congress
Jan. 7, 1959-Sept. 1, 1960
Second Administration of Dwight D. (“Ike”) Eisenhower
85th Congress
Jan. 3, 1957-Aug. 4, 1958
Second Administration of Dwight D. (“Ike”) Eisenhower
84th Congress
Jan. 5, 1955-July 27, 1956
First Administration of Dwight D. (“Ike”) Eisenhower
83rd Congress
Jan. 3, 1953-Dec. 2, 1954
First Administration of Dwight D. (“Ike”) Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower
82nd Congress
Jan. 3, 1951-July 7, 1952
Second Administration of Harry S. Truman
81st Congress
Jan. 3, 1949-Jan. 2, 1951
Second Administration of Harry S. Truman
80th Congress
Jan. 3, 1947-Dec. 31, 1948
First Administration of Harry S. Truman
79th Congress
Jan. 3, 1945-Aug. 2, 1946
Fourth Administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt/ First Administration of Harry S. Truman
Harry S. Truman
Harry S. Truman
78th Congress
Jan. 6, 1943-Dec. 19, 1944
Third Administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt
77th Congress
Jan. 3, 1941-Dec. 16, 1942
Third Administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt
76th Congress
Jan. 3, 1939 – Jan. 3, 1941
Second Administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt
75th Congress
Jan. 5, 1937-June 16, 1938
Second Administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt
74th Congress
Jan. 3, 1935-June 20, 1936
First Administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt
73rd Congress
Mar.9, 1933 – June 18, 1934
First Administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt
72nd Congress
Dec. 7, 1931 - Mar. 3, 1933
Administration of Herbert Hoover
71st Congress
Apr. 15, 1929-Mar. 3, 1931
Administration of Herbert Hoover
Herbert Hoover
Herbert Hoover
70th Congress
Dec. 5, 1927-Mar. 3, 1929
Second Administration of Calvin Coolidge
69th Congress
March 4, 1925 – March 4, 1927
Second Administration of Calvin Coolidge
68th Congress
March 4, 1923 – March 4, 1925
First Administration of Calvin Coolidge
Calvin Coolidge
Calvin Coolidge
Warren G. Harding
Warren G. Harding
66th Congress
May 19, 1919 - March 3, 1921
Administration of Thomas Woodrow Wilson
65th Congress
March 4, 1917- March 4, 1919
Second Administration of Woodrow Wilson
64th Congress
March 4, 1915- March 3, 1917
First Administration of Thomas Woodrow Wilson
63rd Congress
April 7, 1913 – March 3, 1915
First Administration of Thomas Woodrow Wilson
Woodrow Wilson
Woodrow Wilson
62nd Congress
Apr. 4, 1911 – Mar. 3, 1913
Administration of William Howard Taft
61st Congress
Mar. 15, 1909 - Mar. 2, 1911
Administration of William Howard Taft
William Howard Taft
William Howard Taft
60th Congress
Mar. 4, 1907-Mar. 4, 1909
Second Administration of Theodore Roosevelt
59th Congress
Dec. 4, 1905 – Mar. 3, 1907
Second Administration of Theodore Roosevelt
58th Congress
November 9, 1903 – March 3, 1905
First Administration of Theodore Roosevelt
57th Congress
Dec. 2, 1901 – Mar. 3, 1903
Second Administration of William McKinley/First Administration of Theodore Roosevelt*
Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt
56th Congress
Dec. 4, 1899 - Mar. 3, 1901
First Administration of William McKinley
55th Congress
Mar. 4, 1897 – Mar. 4, 1899
Administration of William McKinley
William McKinley
William McKinley
54th Congress
Dec. 2, 1895 – Mar. 4, 1897
Second Administration of Grover Cleveland
53rd Congress
Aug. 7, 1893 - Mar. 3, 1895
Second Administration of Grover Cleveland
Grover Cleveland
Grover Cleveland
52nd Congress
Dec. 7, 1891-Mar. 3, 1893
Administration of Benjamin Harrison
51st Congress
Dec. 2, 1889-Mar. 3, 1891
Administration of Benjamin Harrison
Benjamin Harrison
Benjamin Harrison
50th Congress
Dec. 2, 1887-Mar. 3, 1889
First Administration of Grover Cleveland
49th Congress
Dec. 7, 1885 - Mar. 3, 1887
First Administration of Grover Cleveland
Grover Cleveland
Grover Cleveland
48th Congress
Mar. 4, 1883 - Mar. 4, 1885
Administration of Chester A. Arthur
47th Congress
Dec. 5, 1881-Mar. 3, 1883
First Administration of James A. Garfield/First Administration of Chester A. Arthur
Chester A. Arthur
Chester A. Arthur
46th Congress
Mar. 18, 1879–Mar. 3, 1881
Administration of Rutherford B. Hayes
45th Congress
Oct. 15, 1877-Mar. 3, 1879
Administration of Rutherford B. Hayes
Rutherford B. Hayes
Rutherford B. Hayes
44th Congress
Dec. 6, 1875-Mar. 3, 1877
Second Administration of Ulysses S. Grant
43rd Congress
Dec. 1, 1873-Mar. 3, 1875
Second Administration of Ulysses S. Grant
42nd Congress
March, 4 1871-March 3, 1873
First Administration of Ulysses S. Grant
41st Congress
March 4, 1869-March 3, 1871
First Administration of Ulysses S. Grant
Ulysses S. Grant
Ulysses S. Grant
40th Congress
March 4, 1867-March 3, 1869
First Administration of Andrew Johnson
39th Congress
Dec. 4, 1865-Mar. 3, 1867
Administration of Andrew Johnson
Andrew Johnson
Andrew Johnson
38th Congress
Dec. 7, 1863-Mar. 3, 1865
First Administration of Abraham Lincoln
37th Congress
July 4, 1861-Mar. 3, 1863
Administration of Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
36th Congress
Dec. 5, 1859-Mar. 3, 1861
Administration of James Buchanan
35th Congress
Dec. 7, 1857-Mar. 3, 1859
Administration of James Buchanan
James Buchanan
James Buchanan
34th Congress
Dec. 3, 1855 – Mar. 3, 1857
Administration of Franklin Pierce
33rd Congress
Dec. 5, 1853-Mar. 3, 1855
Administration of Franklin Pierce
Franklin Pierce
Franklin Pierce
32nd Congress
Dec. 1, 1851-Mar. 3, 1853
Administration of Millard Fillmore
31st Congress
Dec. 3, 1849-Mar. 3, 1851
Administration of Zachary Taylor/Administration of Millard Fillmore
Millard Fillmore
Millard Fillmore
30th Congress
Dec. 6, 1847-Mar. 3, 1849
Administration of James K. Polk
29th Congress
Dec. 1, 1845 – Mar. 3, 1847
Administration of James K. Polk
James Knox Polk
James Knox Polk
28th Congress
Dec. 4, 1843-Mar. 3, 1845
Administration of John Tyler
27th Congress
Mar. 31, 1841-Mar. 3, 1843
Administration of William Henry Harrison/Administration of John Tyler
John Tyler
26th Congress
Dec. 2, 1839 – Mar. 3, 1841
Administration of Martin Van Buren
25th Congress
Sep. 4, 1837 – Mar. 3, 1839
Administration of Martin Van Buren
Martin Van Buren
Martin Van Buren
24th Congress
Mar. 4, 1835 - Mar. 4, 1837
Second Administration of Andrew Jackson
23rd Congress
Dec. 2, 1833-Mar. 3, 1835
Second Administration of Andrew Jackson
22nd Congress
Dec. 5, 1831-Mar. 2, 1833
First Administration of Andrew Jackson
21st Congress
Dec. 7, 1829-Mar. 3, 1831
First Administration of Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson
20th Congress
Dec. 3, 1827-Mar. 3, 1829
Administration of John Quincy Adams
19th Congress
Dec. 5, 1825-Mar. 3, 1827
Administration of John Quincy Adams
Quincy Adams
Quincy Adams
18th Congress
Dec. 1, 1823-Mar. 3, 1825
Second Administration of James Monroe
17th Congress
Dec. 3, 1821-Mar. 3, 1823
Second Administration of James Monroe
16th Congress
Dec. 6, 1819-Mar. 3, 1821
First Administration of James Monroe
15th Congress
Mar. 4, 1817 – Mar. 4, 1819
First Administration of James Monroe
James Monroe
James Monroe
14th Congress
Dec. 4, 1815-Mar. 3, 1817
Second Administration of James Madison
13th Congress
May 24, 1813-Mar. 3, 1815
Second Administration of James Madison
12th Congress
Nov. 4, 1811-Mar. 3, 1813
First Administration of James Madison
11th Congress
May 22, 1809-Mar. 3, 1811
First Administration of James Madison
James Madison
James Madison
10th Congress
Oct. 26, 1807-Mar. 3, 1809
Second Administration of Thomas Jefferson
9th Congress
Dec. 2, 1805-Mar. 3, 1807
Second Administration of Thomas Jefferson
7th to 8th Congress
Dec. 7, 1801 – Mar. 3, 1803; Oct. 13, 1803 – Mar. 3, 1805
First Administration of Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
5th to 6th Congress
May 15, 1797 – Mar. 3, 1799; Dec. 2, 1799 – Mar. 3, 1801
Administration of John Adams
John Adams
John Adams
1st to 4th Congress
Mar. 4, 1789 – Mar. 3, 1791; Oct. 24, 1791 – Mar. 2, 1793
Dec. 2, 1793 – Mar. 3, 1795; Dec. 7, 1795 – Mar. 3, 1797
Administrations of George Washington
George Washington
George Washington